I have developed a report in BO 6.1a. The report contains of 2 tables which are overlapped for some formatting issues. They look fine in BO. But when the report is viewed in WebI the 2 tables are separated apart. They do’nt stay in the overlapped way. Why does this happen and what is the solution?
I had a similar problem when I was doing work in 6.1a. I even found if you had a hidden cell it would show up. I never found a way to keep the reports together. Have you tried overlapping the reports by what ever space they seem apart?
Do u mean a cell hidden in BO 6.1a would show up on WebI?
Actually there is a crosstab with around 10 columns out of which th first 3 columns are overlapped with another table. And in WebI this overlapping somehow disappears.
How did u solve your problem?
Yes, a cell without borders and text set to clear would show up. You could see the outline of the cell. Very disappointing as the hidden cell is used for many reasons.
when you see the report in WebI, there are different options you can choose in which format you want to see the report.
I think you get the following options there
Enhanced document viewer
ActiveX Control
The why: BO creates HTML tables. HTML tables CANNOT be overlapping. So, the HTML generator separates them. Perhaps 6.5 will change this because of the HTML 4 support.