Report Generator Form using SDK

I’m looking into creating a form that assists a user in creating their own reports. I have 4 or 5 distinct reports and about 20 filters that a user may or may not want to see in the report being generated. I’d also like to gather their grouping requirements. Is this possible?


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)

We kicked around a similar requirement once upon a time. When we pressed a little for better understanding, the “simple pick from a few dropdowns” evolved into a longer list (of course). It didn’t take long to realize that what they wanted was best met using the native BusObj interface! We put the effort into training instead … good move!

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)


When you refer to native BO interface, I need to clarify. You mean, a bunch of reports, grouped the way the users want to see it and prompting for filters, right?

Is there another way to do it? To have dynamic grouping, sorting and filtering?? Maybe it takes SDK to build a VB form that functions like the customer’s previous Access d/b? My customer is - demanding - it be this way and I can’t figure out what to do. And in 12 days. (Webi didn’t meet clients needs - 12 days to meet user req). I need to know if it can be done and if so, how long it might take and what might be required. My knowledge is that the above is what they can get with BO - but is it because I don’t know of what better to do or because this is the only way it can be? Am I making sense?

Many many thanks for your input!!!


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)

12 days to do it, and you don’t have a design yet? :rotf:

I don’t mean to make light of your predicament, we’ve all been there at one point or another. I can tell you that I was involved in a project where the user had a web-based front end (asp pages) where the would “order” a report or batch of reports. The web application would capture the requested reports and parameter values and store everything in a database.

There was a BCA job that would scan that database, retrieve the reports, apply the conditions, run the reports, and deliver the output as PDF. All very cool (and very fun) stuff.

However, it took two weeks just to prototype.

You’re talking about - as near as I can tell - writing a custom front end that will then turn around and launch BusinessObjects, manipulate a report(s), and deliver the output to the user. That’s certainly all possible, but as Dwayne suggested might not be necessary, and certainly - at least in my opinion - going to be a serious challenge to deliver in the time frame you have. Just my two cents worth.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Nothing exotic, I’m afraid. I just meant if the reports need to be that dynamic, teach them to use BusObj. Dynamic grouping … yep, Format, Breaks. Dynamic sorting … yep, Format, Sorts. Dynamic filters … yep, Format, Filters. Prompts … right there in the query panel. A handful of basic report formats … File, Save As works very well.

I realize that “the customer is always right,” but they have to put some effort into this change as well. By my history of posts here, it’s clear that I am as “into” the SDK as anyone, but I am also a big proponent of using the SDK as a last resort. It just seems silly to write an interface from scratch.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

I don’t disagree. Actually, we built the reports as olap cubes initially and although it provides great functionality, the customer wasn’t pleased. Said users are “basic” and wouldn’t know what to do. They want a report that looks and feels like the access database - with its functionality.

I now have 2 hours left to prepare my presentation for what can be/should be done. Thanks a ton for the feedback. I’m going to advise multiple Categories in Corp Docs with multiple grouped reports (with or without worksheets) and prompts on all. No SDK interface. (They wanted to pick options then have a report open based upon options…)


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)


One last thing. The end user is going to get an HTML only page and I’m going to build using full client. Static.

Thoughts on providing dynamic querying for users? Especially in grouping reports?


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)

What about this idea…

I create a table with a Master section called My Group. I prompt the user for the My Group selection during run time. The lov’s for My Group are objects also in the query panel such as State or City. Will the report pick up the users selection and place it in the Master section cell? Will the cell know to pick up the dimension’s value from the query panel?

I’m I too out there???


Kendy (BOB member since 2003-08-27)