replacing document

I know this is a dumb question but somehow I could not find a property to restrict the user to replace the ducument while publishing the report. I could find this property for designer but not for the reporter. Could someone help me with this??


Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)


because u make tests with the same user ? did you try to publish doc with user A and try to overwrite by publishing other using user B. In this case, is user B forbiden to do it because he is not the one which publish the original report ? I can’t remember if this work like that or not :confused: :confused:

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

Yor are correct. You can’t overwrite others document and we can set that property. I was wondering if I have my original report and I want to publish the report again it shouldn’t allow me to rewrite old one…
Our users wants world…

Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)