I did a search on “rename owner” and “table owner” but didn’t find any resolutions or similar cases, so I am posting a new topic.
My universe was originally created using tables prefixed with the table owner (e.g. table1.column1) so the associated object syntax read “tableowner.table1.column”.
I removed the table owner name by selecting all tables and deleting the “owner” from the “rename table” window (e.g., change from “tableowner.table1” to “table1”).
Problem #1, is that the table owner did not delete from the associated objects. The object syntax still read “tableowner.table1.column1” even thought the table was simlply name “table1” without the owner prefix.
To correct the problem I had to manually delete the table owner from the associated objects which is a maintenance nightmare.
Problem #2, if I rename the table again to add the table owner back in, the object syntax is updated to reflect the new tableowner but the owner name now appears twice. For example, I rename the table from “table1” to “Kim.table1”, but the associated object syntax was “table1.column1” but now reads “Kim.Kim.tabel1.column1”. Again, if I then remove the owner from the rename table window the syntax will updated to “Kim.table1.column1” leaving one of the duplicated table name prefixes behind. Despite the fact that the table name is only “table1”. Is this a bug In Designer 5.1.7 with Oracle 9i?
I running BO 5.1.7 with Oracle When I drop the table owner name I am technically referencing the synonyms instead of the physical tables. Might this have anything to do with it?
Did you faced this problem in the previous verison of BO with same oracle verison.
What is the oracle client verison u r using?
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I’m not sure this should have anything to do with the database or client libraries(unless you try to do a refresh structure). The object names and definitions should be DB independent and purley internal to designer.
I have seen a similar thing but it only effected some tables and objects not all of them. I seem to remember deciding that it had something to do with the tablenames I can’t remember exactly what it was but I think it was along the lines of the table names also had the original owner as part of their name and BO seemed to have difficulty deciding what was owner and what was table name. Once it had got in this mess it was tricky to get it back to behaving sanely again.
Do your table names contain any of the owner (old or new) ?
As far as problem #2 goes I learned from BO tech support that it is a known bug with 5.x (a real bummer that they don’t plan to correct this until 6.5!!!). Here is what they stated:
"this issue has been logged as a bug with business objects 5.x series. Please go through the below details on the BUG(BUG ID 1085964).
In Designer Changing the owner giving wrong object prefixes
Similar to bug #1082168 but in oracle.
create a universe on oracle
import one table
drag and drop it to the class and object panel
right click on the table and delete the owner
right click again on the table and write back the owner or choose a new one.
–> if you check the objects properties in the clss and objects panel you’ll see that the object gets two times the owner name.
The status of the BUG is given as “Fix request created” and we hope this may be fixed in our next release of 6.5