Remove filter from report


I do have one report being filter (filter1) at report level. beside this, report has macro which put one more complex filter to report and filter and extract to excel. Now I am trying to remove the filter (filter1) which is defined at report level. It is taking 30-45 minutes to remove the filter and then after it is appending blank lines in bottom.

Whats wrong here…The filter atr eport level is very simple.


045331 (BOB member since 2004-01-23)

How many rows are in your microcube??
Are you using multiple data providers?

Which version of Business Objects are you using?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Hi Andreas,

I do have multiple DPs. and version is 5.1.8 ZABO.

The total number of valid records is 3000. When i amr emoving the filter, it is adding blank lines below these 3000 records.

045331 (BOB member since 2004-01-23)

The cause should be because of the Multiple DPs and also the Filters.
If two dataproviders are linked and if there are values(that are not matching) then those many rows get appended at the bottom. Those are removed using a “not is null” filter at the report level(which is what you have removed now). Let us know if your filter is a “not null” filter.

Let us know more details if you feel your problem is different.

Ashokkumar (BOB member since 2004-05-20)