Remote Users

X-cc: “Koch, Rick”,
“Windsor, Chris”, Perry Tohn

I have a weird situation that is difficult to explain so please bear with me…

We have a number of remote users that use Business Objects. They dial into our servers and are authenticated using SecureID (credit card device that rotates password codes and is synchronized on the SecureID server).

We are using NT 4 (service pack 5) for our servers, BO 4.1.5 and SQL 7.0 for our database. We are using ODBC connections to connect Business Objects to SQL and are using NT authentication along with Named Pipes for the connection protocol. I have been monitoring what the users look like in SQL when they dial into the network. The host name is not their computer name but the name of the SecureID server. When they are on the network via Ethernet then their host name is their computer name.

The reason that I am telling you this is that I am trying to figure out why it takes up to 40 minutes for a new user to import a 77 KB Universe file onto their machine from the repository. Today I was monitoring the back-end of SQL while the user was trying to import their Universe file. I noticed the following:

a) There were 5 processes in SQL 7 of which one was for the repository and two were for the security domain.
b) The process for the repository showed that the host name was for MY computer name, but the other two showed up as having the proper computer name (not the Secure ID server name)
c) There was a 4th process in SQL 7 that showed up as with the user’s login and the Secure ID server name as the host computer name. d) There was a 5th process in SQL 7 that showed up as MY login with the Secure ID server name as the host computer name.

I can not figure out what was going on here. Could there be something funny with the BOMain key? Why would my computer have anything to do with the routing of data or be involved with the user’s computer in any way? I want to be able to upload a new Universe to the repository but I can not do this if it is going to take the remote users 40 minutes to refresh their tiny Universe file.


Simon Miller
Information Analyst
I.T. North America

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

X-cc: Charles Killam

Hi Charles,
Any help that you can give me would be very appreciated. Here are my answers to your questions (and a few more questions).

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)