I wonder what the ‘Regenerate’ Function in the Supervisor module is for. You find it in the toolbar under ‘View’ or it can be initiated with Ctrl + F5. It is not much of an importance, although I always like to know what happens if I press some buttons.
When you open supervisor module, it read the data stored in the repository database and display the groups, users, folders, reports and univers its contains.
When you make a “refresh”, you update the repository view by rescaning the repository database and the folder view is updated. If you had folders and subfolders opened on the left panel, for example; clicking ctrl + f5 will close them. You obtain the repository view as you has just loaded supervisor module.
It duplicates the same reads that it would have done had you logged in again. If someone has exported a universe or report or if another Supervisor had added a user, you wouldn’t see it.
The command you are talking about makes it all visible for a Supervisor that was already logged in.
It’s similar to a “Refresh” in other tools. For example, if I go into DBArtisan, and am looking at any particular panel – the Tables in a database, or the Views, or the userids logged in – DBArtisan makes a request to the database when I first go to the panel, but doesn’t automatically refresh. If I think there’s been activity, and I want that panel refreshed, I have to ask for it.
Even while browsing BOB – if you use the “Back” button in the browser – you see a forum as it was when you first brought that page up. If you want to see any new activity, you have to refresh the browser page.