BusinessObjects Board

Regarding Dynamic Prompt

I was asked a question during my interview regarding -

How to create a prompt in which there is a option to select list of values.
If I select Region, It will display LOVs for regions. If I select State, It will display LOVs for state. If i select City, It will display LOVs for city.

I got cofused regarding how to implement the same.Can anyone provide me some way out for this.

Anurag Tiwari (BOB member since 2011-04-18)

I dont think your question is proper or i am not understanding correctly.

If you create prompts for Region,State,City seperately in your UDT/IDT and then make use of them in your report, Lovs will be generated corresponding to Region/State/City while running the report.


silapav (BOB member since 2011-11-03)

The prompts can be selected seprately…

But as per the question asked to me in an interview, In a single prompt, If I select state, It will give State LOVs and on selecting the value, Filter will be applied on state.
If I select City, LOVs will be displayed for cities and on selecting the city, Filter will be applied on city.

Even I am confused whether there is some way out for the same…

Anurag Tiwari (BOB member since 2011-04-18)

Could be they are asking for Cascading LOVs.

silapav (BOB member since 2011-11-03)

Hi Anurag,

Explore Cascading Prompts.

yourajai :india: (BOB member since 2011-03-09)

You need to create Dynamic Joins here…

Create one variable with “State,Region,City” as values.
make use of this variable in the prompt definition created using Decode…

ex: Decode(@Prompt(var), State, @Prompt(StateObject) , Region , @Prompt(Region Object), City, @Prompt(City Object))


silapav (BOB member since 2011-11-03)