Réf. : BO performance

Anthony wrote :

Performance is a BIG, BIG problem with the BO 4.1. Has anyone got tips or
tricks or various techniques to improving performance ?

They are lots of tips or tricks to improve performance. Here are some I
have experienced :
1- Use as less as possible string variables. We had a 19 pages report that
needed 2h50 for printing ! It was full of formulas like “ where
(=string)”. After using numeric variables, we need now less than 10
mn !
2- “where” clause also needs time. Prefer “if” even if you have to create
new variables.
3- dates variables need also time. When we transform our string variable
to a date with
ToDate(&“/01/”&Year(CurrentDate),“mm/dd/yyyy”), the program gets
really slower.
4- filters also decrease performance.

It’s only some tips that I have in mind, by they seriously improve

Hope it’ll help.

Christophe GROS

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)