Ranking Help

Hello All
I need some help with ranking. Thanks for the help in my previous posts.

These are the details of the report.

Two DP’s. One is Excel and the other Universe. Report has Region, Zone, Goal, Actual and % of Actual to Goal. Region and Zone are defined as detail and comes from the excel file. Act, Goal and % are measures. I need to rank the zones based on % Obj. When I rank on Zone I get some numbers which dont make sense. Obviously I am doing something wrong. I have not included the Actual and Goal numbers here.

Region Zone %OBJ Rank
Boston A1 37.96 1
NY B1 91.95 2
NY B2 104.54 3
Phili C1 103.12 4
Atlanta D1 101.51 5
Atlanta D2 95.93 6


ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

I believe there are some issues when you use ranking in a block that comes from multiple data providers. I’m not going to tell you to search, because I don’t know what you’d look for. But, I remember reading this in the past. If the report is simple, send me a copy and I’ll take a look at it for you.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If you look in the help, it will plainly say that ranking with multiple data providers is not possible. However, there is a workaround discussed in this post that might be useful.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Hello Dwayne or anyone,
Can someone tell me how I do what Dwyane talks about in that post. This is what is is that post.

Temporarily redefine the formula for the "derived" measure to include only one data provider. You can now base your ranking on that measure. Now put the formula back where it was ... voila! At least I think that's how I did it ... 

How/Where do I do that. Forgive me I am a beginner.


ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

I’m not sure that specific workaround is appropriate for you. In that case, the measure (a named variable in the report) was a formula with objects from two data providers. That measure was not able to be used as the basis for ranking. I temporarily changed the formula for the measure variable to reference an object from only one data provider. I could then base the ranking on that variable. I finally changed the formula back (again referencing objects from two data providers), and the ranking was retained!

That was probably a lot more detail than you needed, but just remember the basics of ranking. You rank a dimension, based on a measure. If you could tell us which objects come from which data provider, and how the two data providers are linked, we can probably walk you through getting the proper ranking.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)