i am new to Business objects …this may be a basic question can any one help me in this…(is this require any additional installation)
Ektha (BOB member since 2004-07-26)
i am new to Business objects …this may be a basic question can any one help me in this…(is this require any additional installation)
Ektha (BOB member since 2004-07-26)
what do you mean by infoview ? Webi or Business Objects full client ?
If it is webi, you have to type the url of the webi server like (http://servername:port/wi/)
If it is BO full report , infoview is the module which alow you to open and refresh reports (but not create or modify queries)
bernard timbal (BOB member since 2003-05-26)
what do you mean by infoview ? Webi or Business Objects full client ?
if itz for BO full client …
where to get the infoview module??
and the path name u suggested for webi is mentioning the local server
Ektha (BOB member since 2004-07-26)
Hello, everybody!
We are using BO XIR2 for one year. May be I am not much familiar with it but I met a series of problems after installing
SP: http://support.businessobjects.com/communitycs/FilesAndUpdates/boXIR2win_sp1.zip.asp
Hot Fix:
LOVs are unsorted.
LOVs are confused in Infoview only. All propmts have LOV assigned to the last prompt
was partially solved by specifying universe parameter FORCE_LOV_SORTED = Yes. Now LOVs in DI doc are sorted. But when the same document is opened in Infoview sorting is lost. Problem remeins on WI docs too
LOVs are confused in the report
kanan.mammadli (BOB member since 2007-02-21)