question file locations


I have a question that maybe someone else has run into in a corporate installation. We have a remote desktop configuration where users of a domain login to this machine and access an ERP application. Our proprietary software can call a report from a menu. Our problem is that the default folder location for users is the default when installing businessobjects, program files-BusinessObjects…userdocs and universe. We run into a problem when one user has this report open and another also retrieves from the reposotory. It creates a temp copy with a ~ in the filename. We have gone into the registry and modified the folder locations to use a folder in the users documents and settings folder so that this problem does not happen. Our problem is that upon a new user logging into the server as a domain user the profile folder for that user get created and a problem arises when they try and run bo without first having the folders we setup in the registry in their documents and settings tree. We have a batch file that we run to do this creation of the necessary folders but we would like this batch file to be ran when a new domain user logs into this server to avoid this hassle and make our implementations run more smoothly. Any comments/suggestions would be welcome.


JTAMBLYN :canada: (BOB member since 2003-05-28)