Hello All
This is a probelm at my end can anyone tell why this is happening
- Create a simple query with Beach demo universe - Country,Service Line,Customer, Revenue.
- Create a second query with Customer.
- In the condition add Customer in list of first query results.
Add also Country in list of prompt. - Run the 2nd query. It asks you for the country list. “Values” button is enabled. select US and France. Run Query. It goes back to the query panel.
- Do a “save and close”. Q1 is run now, but not Q2.
- Refresh the report. The prompt for Country is showed, but “Values” is grayed out. Type in “US” and run.
You get and ODBC error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] In operator without () in query expression '( Resort_Country.country_id=Resort.country_id ) : AND ( Resort.resort_id=Service_Line.resort_id ) : AND ( Service.sl_id=Service_Line.sl_id ) : AND ( Customer.cust_id=Reservations.cust_id ) : AND ( Reservation_Line.res_id=Reservations.res_id ) : '.-3100
Thanks and Regards
bobjkb (BOB member since 2004-03-19)