Query on Query

Hello All

This is a probelm at my end can anyone tell why this is happening

  1. Create a simple query with Beach demo universe - Country,Service Line,Customer, Revenue.
  2. Create a second query with Customer.
  3. In the condition add Customer in list of first query results.
    Add also Country in list of prompt.
  4. Run the 2nd query. It asks you for the country list. “Values” button is enabled. select US and France. Run Query. It goes back to the query panel.
  5. Do a “save and close”. Q1 is run now, but not Q2.
  6. Refresh the report. The prompt for Country is showed, but “Values” is grayed out. Type in “US” and run.
    You get and ODBC error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] In operator without () in query expression '( Resort_Country.country_id=Resort.country_id ) : AND ( Resort.resort_id=Service_Line.resort_id ) : AND ( Service.sl_id=Service_Line.sl_id ) : AND ( Customer.cust_id=Reservations.cust_id ) : AND ( Reservation_Line.res_id=Reservations.res_id ) : '.-3100

Thanks and Regards

bobjkb :india: (BOB member since 2004-03-19)