Thanks Marek. I need to get the application rights for the users/Groups in BO 5.1.7. I would like to retrieve the application rights with the following information
User/Group name
Net Access (View,View on Demand,Full Control, No Access)
In the link that you have sent, I’m not able to find the table which contains the application rights information. Is there a way to query the repository to retrieve the relevant info?
To be honest, I have not seen a query based on the BO 5.x/6.x repository that would do (in the full extent) what you need. It’s all because of the rights inheritance. Rights to objects/applications are inherited from the group(s) where a user belongs to. This makes the calculation of the net rights very complicated.
I believe that you could find some queries here in BOB but all of them (I think) are just approximations that do not give exact results.