Purging user-response prompts

BusinessObjects 4.1.2

I need to send reports to customers but I don’t want any information in
the report. I run the reports using a space for each prompt and that
works fine.

But I also want the report prompts to be empty. The users keep trying
to run the reports and they get no data found because of the leading
space in each prompt.

I know all they have to do is backspace or tab to the field and it
should be highlighted but the users forget. If I could purge the
prompts before saving the documents, it would save me answering phone
calls all times of the day and night about the report not working.


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Have you tried purging the data from the report? I think this also empties
the user prompts. Go to Data → View, click the Purge button and then save
the report before distributing.

George Baranowski

BusinessObjects 4.1.2

I need to send reports to customers but I don’t want any information in
the report. I run the reports using a space for each prompt and that
works fine.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

T G wrote

I need to send reports to customers but I don’t want any information in
the report.
I also want the report prompts to be empty.

Before you save the report, go to the ‘Data’ menu, select ‘View’ and press
the ‘Purge’ button.
This will remove all of the data on the report and also clear the prompts.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

    You wrote:

Try purging the data providers in the data manager dialog box. This will
also purge the prompts.

    Actually, purging the data doesn't clear the prompts.  When you run

the report, the prompts will still hold the last value that you ran the
report for. I just put in a bogus value to get around but it is a real pain
in the rear…

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

T G[SMTP:isaway@HOTMAIL.COM] wrote on Thursday, 28 January 1999 4:53:

> I need to send reports to customers but I don't want any information in
> the report.  I run the reports using a space for each prompt and that
> works fine.
> But I also want the report prompts to be empty.  The users keep trying
> to run the reports and they get no data found because of the leading
> space in each prompt.
> I know all they have to do is backspace or tab to the field and it
> should be highlighted but the users forget.  If I could purge the
> prompts before saving the documents, it would save me answering phone
> calls all times of the day and night about the report not working.

T G:

We find that using instructional prompts make a big difference in reminding
@variable(‘1. Full Period (CCYYMM) -e.g. 199901’)
@prompt(‘2. Select or Enter District Codes (separated by

To make sure that there is no information in the initial report,
why not use similarly-formatted parameters that have been confirmed not to
find any match?

Lorenzo Escalante
BHP Information Technology
Perth, Western Australia

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi, TG.

Considered using the Query Panel Option “Do not retrieve data.”
It will save your report formats and purge all the data, including prompts.
The only thing is that you will have to instruct your customers to turn that
option off before refreshing the report.

Luis Gonzalez

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)