Publisher vs. macros

Since Publisher is limited to full-client reports, what’s the point of using Publisher vs. writing email macros?

Setup: Win2K server, Apache 1.3.27, Tomcat 4.0.6, BO/WebI/BCA 6.1a
(I had to convert our devl server to IIS 5 to get Publisher working)

Really I’d like to email the results of WebI documents in Excel format… anyone have any ideas about that? I’m not a gifted script writer, and as a company we’d like to avoid customization as much as possible. But if the answer is to crack open the WebI SDK, then I guess that’s an option.


jbhagel (BOB member since 2004-05-17)

I’d be interested to here if anyone else feels this frustration. Would Publisher for Webi Docs be welcomed ?

darrenjmarsden (BOB member since 2004-05-26)