@Prompt & @Script Questions

We need to retrieve the current date (always the previous business day)
and place it as a condition on a report. I have a table of valid
business dates, Date_Info, to be used as a lookup table, but it is not
joined to any other tables.

I defined a universe object as Select: @Prompt(‘Enter
Date’,‘D’,‘Date_Info\Current Date’) and edited the lov to select only
type ‘Current’. The lov works in Designer. But on a report, the lov
shows every date record. The ‘Export with Universe’ and deleting the
associated file name on my PC before running didn’t work.

Have also tried the @script function with no luck. It always returns me
to the Free-Hand SQL dialog or to the Query Panel without running the
report. The BOA docs conflict on whether this works anywhere other than
Free-Hand SQL.

Can anyone offer any tips on what I’m doing wrong, or post an example of
proper use of these functions?

Randy Scarborough

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If my understanding is correct, you only require one date. If this is the
case, try writing a view in the database to calculate the ‘current’ date,
and place this in the universe as a table. You can then be sure that you
will only get the date you need.

Darren Turland Senior A/P
Argos Distributors Ltd. UK

We need to retrieve the current date (always the previous business day)
and place it as a condition on a report. I have a table of valid
business dates, Date_Info, to be used as a lookup table, but it is not
joined to any other tables.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I didn’t understand what you are doing.

Since your Date_Info table is not joined with other tables, it can’t be used
in object definition. So, for accessing the columns from this table you can
a Database function, which will read this table and return current date. In
your object
defintion, you will just refer to this function. (Object will not parse,
because you
havn’t specified a table, but it will work)

Usage of @script:

In designer define an object ‘Current_Date’ with foll SQL:
@Script(‘Todays_Date’, ‘D’, ‘Dates.Spt’)

Now when you pull this object in your query and Run it, BO will execute the
script ‘Dates.spt’
and retrieve the value for ‘Todays_Date’ BO variable.

To understand assume, Dates.spt will have foll lines:

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)