BusinessObjects Board

Prompt problem (custom LOV? Nested prompt?)

I am really struggling with this universe stuff.

I need to create a nested prompt.

  1. i want to create a a custom prompt that asks users to ‘Enter I for search by invoice or D for search by date’

    This is what i have and doesn’t work.

@Prompt(‘Enter I for search by invoice or D for search by date’,‘A’,{‘I’,‘D’},mono,constrained)

  1. Based on their response, i want either to put a prompt for a date range or invoice number.

PLEASE! I am so confused.

CadaverCat (BOB member since 2007-03-26)

I am not sure why that’s not working, at first glance it appears okay, but…

That you can’t do. Cascading prompts, as they are called, can only go through a linear path. So you can prompt for state and then based on that select a city. But you can’t really prompt for state and based on the results prompt for city for some states, and county for other states, because it is not a linear path.

Ultimately you have to compare to something with a prompt as well. An object with @Prompt() and nothing else is not going to work as a condition, only as a result object.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)


As Dave explained this is not possible. :nonod:

What you can do is to change the logic of the prompts for example in this way:
Have 2 prompts - one will be asking for invoice number(s) and one for date range. Set both prompts so they will allow users to select ALL for all values (look here and here to see how to do it).

If the users use ALL in date-range prompt and some invoice number(s) in the 2nd prompt it will be logically same as your ‘I’ (search by invoice) and invoice number.
And if users use ALL in invoice prompt and some value(s) in date-range prompt it will be the same as your ‘D’ (search by date) and date.

And you will need to explain to users how to use these 2 prompts.

I hope it’s clear.

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

i can put 0 as a default invoice number and then the date range will work as there is no invoice with a value of 0.

BUT when we do the invoice number, the date range will still need to be filled in with a value and bring that data back as well.

It looks like i will always get back extra data. I even tried putting a default value of 1/1/1111 in the date field so i get nothing back for that.

CadaverCat (BOB member since 2007-03-26)

BTW- the ‘1/1/1111’ date thing gave me an error.

CadaverCat (BOB member since 2007-03-26)


CadaverCat (BOB member since 2007-03-26)