problem with concatenation


I have a year column in my report ( format 2001). but i want the format like last two digits from the year column. (ex 01,02,03…), basically i want to concatenate with month (Mar 01,Apr 03 i.e,).
year column is an integer in the database.

Regards, Amr

amr007 (BOB member since 2004-06-25)

=Concatenation( ,SubStr(Char() ,2 ,2))
or first three chars of month
=Concatenation(Substr(,1,3) ,SubStr(Char() ,2 ,2))

Randy Jones :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

In your FC report it should be something like “=FormatNumber( ,“0”)+”. The FormatNumber function converts your number to a character field so when you add a “+” your report will concatenate in stead of just adding the numbers.

In Webi 6 it should be the same I guess…

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

Thanks for your quick response

I have written this code in formula editor
=[Month] + SubStr(Char([Year]) ,2,2)
Here I dont need to format the month, i have already 3 digit month like Mar or Apr. the only thing is i need to concat this month to the last two digits of the year. for example Jan 04, Feb 04. Here month and years are different columns i want to display this concatenated values in the month column in a report . in the above code it seems Char is not a business objects function .it is saying Char object is not available int he report.

Thanks, Amr

amr007 (BOB member since 2004-06-25)

Char() is the wrong function to call anyway. Char() provides the ASCII character for a specific character number. What you want is a conversion function.

Have a look at FormatNumber(). That will convert a numeric value into a text string.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)