Problem saving as PDF


Hoping someone can help with this
I have a large BO report that needs to be saved as PDF - easy enough

The problem is the print settings in BO have the report set as 60% fit to print - but when you create the PDF report the page size is 60% Bigger
Whatever i shrink by the PDF increases by - i have no idea why or how this is happening

Does anyone have any ideas

Im using v5.1.6

Rocky© (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

The way I can change it is by going to the properties of your PDF printer. In the layout tab, you will see an advanced tab. click that. Under Graphic you will see a section called Scaling.

Mine is set by default to 90%. But you can click on it and change it. I would start with that.

I hope that helps.

khansen97 (BOB member since 2003-12-05)

I’d turn off the “fit to print” in page setup and then create the pdf. Altho I am not sure it makes a difference, I have seen fit to print cause some flaky things to happen.

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

The way fit to print appears to work in business objects is that the “paper” is enlarged within the reporter. Then the print driver routines adjust the font sizes to fit your target paper size.

When you go out to PDF you actually see the enlarged paper size in the output but acrobat also has print options to scale the pages to fit the target paper size on the printer. so their shouldn’t be any problem printing the PDF. It does make for some interesting effects in the adobe viewer as different tabs (reports) get larger and smaller pages as you run through the output.

You can always set all the reports to have the same scaling factor.

:confused: watch out for adjust row height to fit content with the scaling not fixed also watch out for settings which avoid breaking a block or section over the page boundary. they won’t work unless you have fixed the scale factor. :roll_eyes:

G.E.Davies :uk: (BOB member since 2003-01-20)