Problem in use of Minus,Union or Intersect in Subquery


I select an object Dimension1 in results objects section, after that I select another object Dimension2 in condition, select operator as In List and Operand as Create a SubQuery, then in subquery I select object Dimension3 and in condition section add a condition Condition1, now I want to select Combined Query button, but it isn’t activated. I have heard earlier that if we change certain parameters in data access files provided by BO this option can be enabled…any ideas please let me know

thanks in advance

sriram (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

I believe you cannot have a UNION or MINUS or INTERSECTION operator inside a subquery within the query panel of Business Objects Reporter.

Your universe Designer might have to provide a predefined condition instead.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)