Hey Gurus,
Does anyone know how to print a multitab BO full client (v5+) report so that each tab prints out as a separate pdf file?
Via BCA?
Enquiring minds want to know …
Thanks in advance,
tomattm (BOB member since 2003-07-31)
Hey Gurus,
Does anyone know how to print a multitab BO full client (v5+) report so that each tab prints out as a separate pdf file?
Via BCA?
Enquiring minds want to know …
Thanks in advance,
tomattm (BOB member since 2003-07-31)
Do you want to print or save the report as seperate pdf files ? Not sure what you mean by printing seperate pdf files.
Michele Pinti (BOB member since 2002-06-17)
Wanted to print a pdf for each tab (or report) in a BO file (.rep).
Here’s a Macro solution:
Sub MultiplePDFs()
'Creates a pdf for each tab in a report
Dim Doc As Document
Dim Rep As Report
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Long
Dim VarA As String
Dim VarB As String
Dim RepName As String
Dim Direct As String
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
'Change the Directory Path here:
Direct = "c:\BOReports\"
VarB = Right(Direct, 1)
If VarB = "\" Then
For i = 1 To Doc.Reports.Count
Set Rep = Doc.Reports.Item(i)
VarA = Right(Rep.Name, 1)
If VarA = "." Then
RepName = Left(Rep.Name, (Len(Rep.Name) - 1))
RepName = Rep.Name
End If
Rep.ExportAsPDF (Direct & RepName)
Next i
End If
End Sub
Thanks !
[Used bbc CODE formating for better readability - Andreas]
tomattm (BOB member since 2003-07-31)
The macro sample doesn’t print the pdf it saves it to a file
Rep.ExportAsPDF (Direct & RepName)
Michele Pinti (BOB member since 2002-06-17)