Is there a way to prevent BO to auto-Link dimension with the same name from 2 dataprovider everytime I edit one of them. They have the same name, the same type, but are not related at all. But BO keep linking them everytime I change something, and I have to manually go back and unlink them.
following your reply, I looked more closely at the data providers.
Actually, you’re right, they are the same object, but from different folders, so I thought they were different. Let me try to explain:
my report is grouping problems arrival and closure on the same report. So there is a dimension called “month end” in both the creation date and the closed date folder. But when "month end"s are linked, it doesn’t give the right result. I need to unlink them all the time.
So is there a way to prevent BO from linking automaticaly ?
One suggestion:
Rename your two “Month End” objects to
Month End (closed)
Month End (created)
By the way:
My experience is that Business Objects will link objects across data providers automatically only if the objects come from the same universe and have the same Object ID (in other words: objects with the same name, but in different folders and therefore different object IDs should not be automatically linked across data providers based on the same universe). This is with v517 and v518 (verified against the Beach universe).
but I don’t have ownership of the database, so I cannot change it… and asking my support team to do it will take forever … the fun of being in a large cie