We recently created several universes from ERWIN models against an Oracle database. The instructions for feeding the metadata shouldn’t vary too much, however. Most of this information can be found in the Designer’s guide, pp 75 through 82.
The easiest method involves creating a flat file (text) extract from ERWIN. If you prefer, you can create dBase files and convert them to text. The process involves two steps - creating the flat file, then updating the BusinessObjects strategy file that points to your flat file.
Step 1: Creating the flat file extract
The structure of each record is very specific. You must provide the following information for each line. Use tabs to seperate each value. You’ll need seperate flat files for objects, joins, and tables. The name of the file is arbitrary.
The flat file layout for an object strategy would be:
Value 1: Table Name
Value 2: Column Name
Value 3: BusinessObjects Class Name
Value 4: BusinessObjects Object Name
Value 5: Column SQL (Table Name.Column Name) Value 6: Datatype (C - Character, D - Date, N - Number, L - Long text, B - blob). Default is C.
Value 7: Help text for the object
Value 8: Type of object (D - dimension, M - measure, I - detail). Default is D.
For example:
ORDER_HEADER BASE_QTY Order Header Base Quantity ORDER_HEADER.BASE_QTY N The quantity of material consumed. D
Part 2: Referencing your flat file
In Oracle, the file to update was named “STORA7EN.TXT”. I think the file you’ll need to update for MS SQL Server 6.5 is “STSRVEN.TXT” or “STODBCEN.TXT”. I’m guessing at the file name, here, since we did not work on SQL Server. This would work if you were using ODBC to connect to your database.
Once you find the file to update, include the following section to add your strategy to the list of BusinessObjects strategies:
NAME= Custom Object Strategy
HELP=Custom Object strategy generated from ERWIN.
I hope this helps. It sure accelerated our development efforts. Remember, you will need to repeat the process to import joins and table definitions from ERWIN.
Alan Mayer
Integra Solutions, Inc.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)