I have a report that is scheduled by a user. It runs ok and shows as successful in the BCA Console but it shows ‘Partial Result’ for one of the DPs.
The thing is, the user is no where near the max row or run time fresh holds set on the universe. I have tried setting the fresh holds at the user level for him and still no luck. I have checked the settings on the BCA Admin and have increased the time outs here but still no luck.
Has anyone had a simular problem ? Also a what point would it give this error, would it give it if even though it is only half way through its knows its going to go over the timeouts / row counts so bombs out.
Also is there any chance you would get this error msg if the report was being distributed via the repo, but the repo did not have enough space for the data. I ask this because my DBA came over to me and said the repo was 96% full
A) The document will be stored in the document repository (if you scheduled it by sending to users it might even take up more space) --> increase the tablespace (Oracle term) which is hosting your document domain.
B) Regarding time and amount of rows returned restrictions/timeouts: Keep in mind that supervisor settings overrule designer settings. In addition if your data provider generates multiple SQL statements (crossing contexts for example), you might exceed that threshold.
Did some tests and found the issue was the repository did not have enough space left to handle the report, as he wanted to distribute it via the repo.
This is a good one to note because according to the BCA Console the job ran successfully and gave no dbase error just said partial results, which made me think timeouts.
Can someone tell me is the Sybase Tran log used at all if you schedule the report but get the .rep file saved to a directory. I know the tran log is used if you distribute it via the repo