Partial Document

BOb 4.1.2
Citrix WinFrame 1.6 Build 179 Service Pack 5 Oracle

Have an unusual problem …

I created a document and sent it to a client in Singapore via BusinessObjects. The output of the report was 31 pages.

However, when she received and opened the report only the first 2 pages appeared. Despite refreshing the report and I even resent a copy of the report to her, via BusinessObjects and
Lotus Notes, only the first 2 pages were shown/printed.

She is currently here on business in the states and I had her connect to Citrix and
BusinessObjects using her account as she normally would.

She opened up the same report from her directory on the Citrix server and all 31 pages of the report were displayed and could be printed. She will try it again once she’s back in Singapore next week to see if all 31 pages appear now.

I’m not sure if it’s a Citrix, BusinessObjects, network or a combination of all of the above. Or something else.

Has anyone ran into this type of problem before? If so were there any solutions?

Thanks in advance
Jim Droppa
Source Consulting
A business of Romac, Inc.

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Does she have an older version of Business Objects Reporter? Problems can arise reading reports from different versions even between 4.0 and 4.1.

Kurt Kerchner
Southwestern Bell

Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 12:30 PM

BOb 4.1.2
Citrix WinFrame 1.6 Build 179 Service Pack 5 Oracle

Have an unusual problem …

I created a document and sent it to a client in Singapore via BusinessObjects. The output of the report was 31 pages.

However, when she received and opened the report only the first 2 pages appeared. Despite refreshing the report and I even resent a copy of the report to her, via BusinessObjects and
Lotus Notes, only the first 2 pages were shown/printed.

She is currently here on business in the states and I had her connect to Citrix and
BusinessObjects using her account as she normally would.

She opened up the same report from her directory on the Citrix server and all 31 pages of the report were displayed and could be printed. She will try it again once she’s back in Singapore next week to see if all 31 pages appear now.

I’m not sure if it’s a Citrix, BusinessObjects, network or a combination of all of the above. Or something else.

Has anyone ran into this type of problem before? If so were there any solutions?

Thanks in advance
Jim Droppa
Source Consulting
A business of Romac, Inc.

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks Kurt,

But we only have the one version on the Citrix box so she is on the same version as everyone else. Other reports sent to her, before and after this incident, haven’t had this problem. I’m almost tempted to recreate the report under a different name and see if it works then.

Jim Droppa
Source Consulting
A business of Romac, Inc.

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:37:45 -0600, KERCHNER, KURT N wrote:

Does she have an older version of Business Objects Reporter? Problems can arise reading reports from different versions even between 4.0 and 4.1.

Kurt Kerchner
Southwestern Bell

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I had a similar problem … and I just removed all filters that I had applied on the report (My computer had geman country settings and I filtered on german month …then a person with english settings thried to open the report and could not see any data …)

Hope that helps …

Martin Lidl
“Normal is the average of extremes”

jpord@EXCITE.COM on 15/12/98 19:30:27

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

cc: (bcc: Martin Lidl/IT/Kpn-Orange)

BOb 4.1.2
Citrix WinFrame 1.6 Build 179 Service Pack 5 Oracle

Have an unusual problem …

I created a document and sent it to a client in Singapore via BusinessObjects. The output of the report was 31 pages.

However, when she received and opened the report only the first 2 pages appeared. Despite refreshing the report and I even resent a copy of the report to her, via BusinessObjects and
Lotus Notes, only the first 2 pages were shown/printed.

She is currently here on business in the states and I had her connect to Citrix and
BusinessObjects using her account as she normally would.

She opened up the same report from her directory on the Citrix server and all 31 pages of the report were displayed and could be printed. She will try it again once she’s back in Singapore next week to see if all 31 pages appear now.

I’m not sure if it’s a Citrix, BusinessObjects, network or a combination of all of the above. Or something else.

Has anyone ran into this type of problem before? If so were there any solutions?

Thanks in advance
Jim Droppa
Source Consulting
A business of Romac, Inc.

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)