
I developed the report in Full Client environment and try to open this one in Web.The report has about 300 pages.
Is there any way to define to open only first page of report and to turn pages (like in WI)?
Now the report opens all pages and this take a lot of time.

Thank you.

sinale (BOB member since 2003-01-13)

Does this report have different sections? Is it a Master/Detail report? and/or does it have multiple tabs? If any of the above apply, when you publish to Corporate Documents or send to user, you can click the button for “HTML Options”. Once there, in the Generate HTML section at the bottom, select “Section by Section”, or “Both”. Just make sure the “All in one page” option isn’t selected. Section by Section will generate links to the left that work like the map in Full Client report, but only one section will show at a time, to see a new section, the user just has to click on the link on the left. The Both option does the exact same thing, but at the bottom of the left panel the option to “View All” is there, in case someone does want to see all 300 pages at once.

You also have to make sure the WebI users have “Standard HTML format” selected under View Document in WebI Options.

amybz :us: (BOB member since 2004-07-21)

Thank you,Amybz.
This case is not exactly that I need.Here the report load all objects to the page.And I want to prevent this.this take very much time.
May be you can suggest something more?

sinale (BOB member since 2003-01-13)

Yes. You should be using the Enhanced Viewer. It is an active-X control that does EXACTLY what you are asking for.

When you answer back with your WebI version, I’ll move this post to the approproate WebI forum.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thank you Steve

sinale (BOB member since 2003-01-13)