Page wrap on crosstab or accounting table

I was wondering if anyone has ever solved this issue. I have read that it can not be done, but was hoping someone had figured it out anyway.

I am trying to make a crosstab or accounting table break after a certian number of columns and wrap around underneath, or appear to. To complicate matters, the crosstab is imbedded in a section so that the RowId can start at any number, but I have sorted the result set so that the rows are in the right order.

If I had a sequencial number, I think I could filter on it and show/hide tables. I have tried variations of RowId() and LineNumber() to no success. Getting it added to the database and filled correctly is a battle I would rather avoid except as a last resort. Creating a universe object based on an SQL statement would be good if anyone knows how. I am open to a VBA solution, but it has been almost a decade since I worked with VB and I would need a lot of help.

Any and All suggestions appreciated.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I have solved a problem of similar kind but probably of low complexity.
My Problem :
In my report some questions were displayed on the left hand side of the report and against those questions there are some values shown. If number of columns grew then the report grows horizontally to new page and one cannot identify the value of a particular question.
My solution: I have created another report block which shows questions on the right hand side and those are displayed if number of columns are more than 6(in my case).
formula used : count() > 6 then show the block having questions on right hand side otherwise hide the report block.

I hope u can apply the above trick.

dgoswami :india: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, I can not have an extra page to the right. The extra columns must be in a table below the original table.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)