Overriding Rounding function in Designer??

I am guessing Business Objects rounds on the right most decimal using the object default format or a format the designer sets up.

EMP ID xxxxx with a requested A/L Bal of 167.0 hours ( trunc 1 in BO)

SOURCEBO 4 dec""BO 3 dec"BO 2 decBO 1 dec

Unfortunately, to achieve the desired results I find I am setting up the field w/3 decimals and therefore when querying the data the result will display as such ( 3 decimals). The user wants only 1 decimal place. If I format in the designer with a 1 decimal place, I get back 167.1 (BO rounds) and not 167.0. Any Ideas? Can I override Rounding??? :confused: Yes , I search, but only have used this formum a couple times. Thanks much in advance. :crazy_face: - Julie 517-335-5936, State of Michigan. Solgatj1@michigan.gov

hope2find (BOB member since 2003-07-01)

Use trunc(Column Name)

Select trunc (234.567) from dual

will return 234.

Above sysntax is for oracle

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Try this, it should work!

select substr(trunc('167.0800',2),1,5) from dual


tech_sk8rboy (BOB member since 2003-12-10)