Overpass the user rights with vba code

Hi all,

I’ve made a userform to guide the users when creating condition on dataproviders…

My problem is: Some users don’t have the right to modify the DP…
So When they click apply on the userform, they are receiving this error msg: “No rights, cannot get the queries of a data provider.”

Can I Overpass the user rights with vba code :?:

Any idea is welcome,

PS: I’ve tried the Application.LoginAs function… And it doesn’t help me much since that it’s closing the activedocument

BobTron (BOB member since 2004-04-22)

I’m afraid not. If you look at the Supervisor manual that describes the user settings, you will find that the settings control both the “manual” capabilities and “VBA” capabilities in concert. Actually, I would want it any other way.

{moving to the SDK forum}

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)