I have a question about global filters used in a BO-report.
Does anybody know is de relations between global filters is ‘OR’ or ‘AND’.
I always thought it was ‘AND’, but in a report we are developing at this moment we have 5 global filters. One of them returns no data, but the report isn’t empty… Does anybody have a clue?
AND : If you use AND, you are restricting the data to data that meets both conditions. For example if you had,
select *
from A
where a.id = 102
AND b.app = pool
you would only return data where a.id = 102 and b.app = pool.
OR : If you used OR you will return data that meets either of the conditions you set, it doesnt have to meet both. For example (below), the use of OR here would mean you return data where a.id = 102 but does not necessary have b.app = pool. Also if b.app = pool but a.id was not equal to 102 you would still return the row.
select *
from A
where a.id = 102
OR b.app = pool
One thing to check is that your other global filters arent already restricting the data to a point that your 5 global filter is effectively redundent