Hi, Did someone find a way to find out how often a document was
refreshed? I’d like to include an Update timer in the reports we
currently have for accountablility issues. Also any other bright idea of
how to include a automatic documentstamping is welcomed. It is not
enough to have only the update date.
Hi, Did someone find a way to find out how often a document was
refreshed? I’d like to include an Update timer in the reports we
currently have for accountablility issues. Also any other bright idea of
how to include a automatic documentstamping is welcomed. It is not
enough to have only the update date.
There is somwhere out on the net a “package” called “auditing” of BusinessObjects
Reports. It contains a Report-Script which extracts the relevant information from
a user document whenever the user clicks the refresh button. This information is
then save into a (ODBC) database. In the package it is done with Oracle, but you
could adapt it to be used with others as well.
BTW: it also is a good example to show how to exctract lots of document specific
info (on reports, dataproviders, cubes within document, etc) via a script.
Hope this helps.
DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria
Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21
e-mail: w.muellner@delphi.at, WEB: http://www.delphi.at