BusinessObjects Board

Not adding up

I created an object revenue = sale.qty * sale.unitprice

When i run the report (product agains revenue) i found out some of the revenue result i get are incorrect.

Can anyone help with this.

johnhill1102 (BOB member since 2012-01-30)

If you have any nulls, they may affect things.

What exact problems are you experiencing?

The measure should be defined properly. meaning with a SQL aggregate function in the SELECT box of Designer:

SUM (sale.qty * sale.unitprice)

Under properties the projection should also be set to SUM. See my other post here, please: diff between Select SUM (Table. Field) & Select Table. F

Then you will have to check for chasm/fan traps in your data model.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

That is what i used “SUM (sale.qty * sale.unitprice)” to define the revenue measure.And there is no null value on the table.

Examples of what i got in the report

Product               qty         unitprice            revenue

Bicycle               338        2,368.62            4,854.67

the actual value of the revenue shld be 1,640,878.46, when i use variable definition in the report side with the same definition as the universe i get the accurate value.

How can i resolve this at the universe side.

johnhill1102 (BOB member since 2012-01-30)

You will have to look at your underlying data model/ER-diagram, the universe model, look at the generated SQL code from your Webi document.

Start posting the generated SQL code.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)