BusinessObjects Board

noob to BO/DW from Mainframes!

Hello Everyone!

I’ve just moved from working on Mainframe systems(COBOL,JCL,DB2,CICS) to learning about Data warehousing & reporting tools. :slight_smile:

I was hoping to get some direction here, as to whether I should learn DW Basics before i start looking at BO Guides?
If yes, Do you recommend any particular book/site for DW? Any other suggestion as to how I should go about learning DW/BO is appreciated.


kleen_rhon (BOB member since 2009-03-10)

Check this topic for many valuable links. And yes, having DWH knowledge would help you.

For BO guides, see here.

Welcome to B :mrgreen: B!

Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

Thanks Jansi!

I did go through the links, It kinda led me nowhere coz there are only a million links given there! :slight_smile:

I’ve been recom. the book “DW toolkit” from Kimball…So i’ve started on that… & hopefully that’s right.

Thanks again

kleen_rhon (BOB member since 2009-03-10)

It’s a pretty big topic!

Which end do you want to start at, reporting on data warehouses or building them? Both are preferential to starting at the middle with Universe Design (even though that’s often seen as the best bit!). If you’re starting at the DW building end, then Ralph Kimball’s book will certainly be a good start for you.

After that, work on reporting then you’ll be able to more easily crack the art of building a data warehouse with BusinessObjects in mind - it should be very similar to just building a data warehouse, but universe design is as much a science as an art and certain techniques within Designer can help you determine your data warehouse design.

Hey Mark,

Thanks for the reply…I have little or no idea about “Universes” in BO…
what i’m looking for specifically is direction, in the sense that…I want to learn all of this step by step & not miss out on any concepts , as I believe DW/BI is broad subject!

I’m not even sure, if building a DW is what I should be looking at first…you guys are the Xperts!! :slight_smile: So I was hoping to get some advice as to where someone like me should probably start off from…


kleen_rhon (BOB member since 2009-03-10)

I’d try a BO Reporting training course. You’ll get a feel for what the end user tool does and hopefully get a small amount of exposure to some of the more technical aspects that are there ‘behind the scenes’. I did COBOL JCL etc many years ago and ended up doing BO, so don’t panic!

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

That sure is encouraging mate!! :slight_smile:
I’ve now got BO Installed on SQL Server(VMware) just to get a feel of the application. I might join a course soon, until then…i’ve been advised to go through reporting in BO.

Thanks for your help!

kleen_rhon (BOB member since 2009-03-10)

Reporting is where I started too, back in the dim and distant days of Windows 3.11
What I found useful was viewing the SQL that the queries generated - it gives you an understanding of how Business Objects interacts with the data warehouse; at the highest level, the universe is the semantic layer that converts what you ask for in the reporter tool into the SQL that is fired off to the database.

Now you’ve got it installed, walk your way through the Reporter FAQ on here and through each item on the drop down menus on the reporter module. Best of luck.