after I can create any Reports without any Problem,now I have a new little Problem with my Report,so I have a Column with 3 Options(Activ,Planned;Inactiv) after I create a filter I have displayed all Organisation and Persons who have Planned Projects,but the Organisation wihtout Planned Projects are also displayed.
Can I display only the Orgas and Persons with Planned Projects in my Report,what do I need for this???
I can make Outline,than I only see the Org. in the Header,but this is also wrong,I would not display any think without Planned Projects.
Thank you for your help.
It could be as simple as applying a condition to your data provider along the lines of:
Options = Planned
Or it could be more complex involving a subquery (if you want to display all records for a person, if the person has at least one “Planned Project” among possibly other projects).
Sorry I can not visit any Training,if I am a student and my employer does not pay any training,so I need many help from this Forum,now I test your tipps for Business Objects,if they doesn´t work,I need your help again.
I can not apply anythink to my Dataprovider,the Dataprovider was an SQL Database,I think it was not able to work out this problem.What do you think?
Giuseppe – many folks might be able to help you. It goes against the spirit of this forum to ask an individual to e-mail you to help you with your problem.
Please reply and show us what your report output looks like. If you click the “Code” button before and after the formatted output, it might be easier for us to read on the forum – it generates a more formatted post.
thank you for your Statement,now I need the help of the folks from BOB.
I have a formula,see this >>>=If (( <VAR Project Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=0 And <> “WS_Closed”) Or (<VAR Project Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=1 And = “WS_Closed” )) Then 0 Else 1
Now I must change any thinks,the Names of the Variables and so on:
See this:
=If ((<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=0 AND <> “Inactive”) Or (<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=1 And = “Inactive” )) Then 0 Else 1
After I click now OK,I received an ErrorCode>>Incorrect datatype (DMB0003).
Can me help someone and tell me,what this ErrorCode means???
I know the people here are good, but you must realize that we are here to help and do this of our own free will. Not everything can be solved with a quick post here on BOB. It may take a few tries back and forth.
Try this:
An incorrect data type usually means that you are trying to compare unlike objects. Please check the variables you are comparing to character data making sure that they are what you expect.[/quote]
The other thing that I would try is to take out one of the conditions to narrow down the problem. Get it to work on one condition without the error. That way you can tell where the problem is located.
Giuseppe – your “cloned” formula/variable – did you change your original one, or copy it into a second pre-existing one – or copy it into a brand-new one?
I seem to recall that I’ve had trouble before with a variable having a certain datatype – and if I changed its formula to something different – requiring a different datatype – I couldn’t get it to work.
But if I created a brand-new variable and used the formula – BusinessObjects picked the correct datatype, and all was well.
I didn´t paste the variables, I create someone new,but the error was also here.
My variable is:
Check Project_Condition=If ((<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=0 and <>“Inactive” or (<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray> =1 and = “Inactive”)) Then 0 Else 1
The error means Syntax Error(DMB0007) (I) Incorrect data type (DBM0003).
After I click ok,the and after the 0 was flashing.
Now i doesn´t find the error,can me help someone
Oh I am so stupid,I must create the formula who says what was 0 or 1!Why can I forget this?
Are you perhaps missing a parenthesis in the middle?
Should it be:
Check Project_Condition=If ((<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray>=0 and <>“Inactive”) or (<VAR Project_Condition in G/Y/R/Gray> =1 and = “Inactive”)) Then 0 Else 1
Does that make any difference?
Also, when you go to the Definition tab in the Variable Editor – what Type (= DataType) has it assigned to the variable?