I keep getting this error when parsing an object I created in Designer. Why do I get this? The object I created is a concatenation to get the first and second lines of an address. It also links the address id to one of the many company address ids (i.e. shipping id for the company’s shipping address. It looks like this:
Select @Select(Addresses\Addrline 1) + ’ ’ + @Select(Addresses\Addrline 2)
Where @Select(Company Information\Addr Id Shipto) = @Select(Addresses\Addr Id)
Hi, I sent this question last week but no reply. Has anyone seen this before or give me a clue as to what is wrong. I am held up because of it. Thx
I keep getting this error when parsing an object I created in Designer: Must Declare Variable @select. Why do I get this? The object I created is a concatenation to get the first and second lines of an address. It also links the address id to one of the many company address ids (i.e. shipping id for the company’s shipping address. It looks like this:
Select @Select(Addresses\Addrline 1) + ’ ’ + @Select(Addresses\Addrline 2)
Where @Select(Company Information\Addr Id Shipto) = @Select(Addresses\Addr Id)
Alright. I’ll take a stab at it. My guess is the problem is the @selects in the Where clause. I can’t remember if I ever used them there. Have you considered hardcoding the phrase that the @selects in the Where clause are referring too? I know it’s not necessarily the most OO approach but it might help you figure out where the problem is…
David Jelinek
You wrote:
It looks like this:
Select @Select(Addresses\Addrline 1) + ’ ’ + @Select(Addresses\Addrline 2) Where @Select(Company Information\Addr Id Shipto) = @Select(Addresses\Addr Id)