BusinessObjects Board

Multi value error on Count


Simply I am trying to generate a report on the Server, Count[Device_ID]. Each server will have certain devices and the report has to display the count of devices on each server. While trying to run the report , for a few servers “Multi value” is being displayed on the count[Device ID] column.

As, aggregate function “Count” is already being used, not sure why multi value is being displayed.

Kindly advise!

XCELUSR (BOB member since 2012-10-03)

What is the generated SQL code, please?
Are you using a SQL aggregation of COUNT and projection of SUM?
See also here: diff between Select SUM (Table. Field) & Select Table. F

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

#MUlTIVALUE error occurs if one try to put multiple values in a single cell.
The particular cell where you are getting #MULTIVALUE is having expression which returns more than one value.


Rango90 (BOB member since 2012-11-13)

Yes Andreas, SQL aggregation of COUNT and projection of SUM has been defined already.
@Lukejerreco : you are right.MUlTIVALUE error occurs if one try to put multiple values in a single cell.
But the column I am referring to is using the Count Aggregation function, so ideally that should be a single value but not multiple values.

XCELUSR (BOB member since 2012-10-03)