Moving Business objects.

Good morning everyone I need some help, please. I am a little new at all this and it ahs been on my shoulders to move my BO installation. I need to move it from the server the database is on to a new server. We are using an Oracle database with Win NT. Can someone email me the steps to install new or the steps to move the install? I would be forever in your debt.

Kirk S. Hill
Michael Angelo’s Gourmet Foods, Inc.
Voice: 512-218-3534
Fax: 512-218-3600

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

  1. Export all the data from the old machine to the new machine with
    the same userid and password.
  2. The database name or the database alias should be the same on
    the new machine as it was on the old one. Modify the tnsnames.ora by changing the host name (You will have to distribute the tnsnames.ora to all the users irrespective)
    This will prevent you from changing any connections in the database.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)