Can someone please tell me how to restore the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table?

When I performed a Scan of our UAT Document Repository, I received multiple documents not referenced in the security domain and when I queried the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table to identify the corrupted documents, the table was gone.

Do I need to remove and recreate the UAT Document Repository Domain within Supervisor to create this table? I have been searching the BO Tech Support web site for info but that could take some time. I also need to find that list of BO Tables and their descriptions, but cannot remember where to locate on their web site.

Gail McGuire
Sr. Applications Analyst
CVS Corporation
Pharmacy Data Warehouse
401-765-1500 x2236

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Wait, if BO can get to that in scan, you are probably ok… It is not unusual to see that message, doc XXX deleted…

Look at your repository connections, and specifically check what the connection for that document domain is… What is the database, who is the login name under? Are you doing the select from that user, if not did you preface your select as follows:

Select * from USERNAME.obj_m_documents;

That is important, you won’t have that table in your security repository’s schema, and you wont see it unless you use the login spec’d above or the username as a prefix… All this assumes Oracle, but there are equivalents in MSSql, most other databases…

Any help?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Can someone please tell me how to restore the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table?

When I performed a Scan of our UAT Document Repository, I received multiple
documents not referenced in the security domain and when I queried the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table to identify the corrupted documents, the table was gone.

The table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS is within the security domain and not the document domain. The table may appear to be gone if you have separate schemas for the various domains, for example, we use one schema for the security domain which contains the table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS amongst others, and another separate schema for the production universe and production document domains. In your UAT document domain, you should find a table called OBJ_X_DOCUMENTS - this contains the actual reports (amongst other things) in binary (BLOB) format.


Brian Patterson

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Brian is right, I was looking at obj_x_documents…

I think the schema is the key to your problem; verify that you are referencing the table fully, and you should be able to query it

Good Luck

The table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS is within the security domain and not the document domain. The table may appear to be gone if you have separate
schemas for the various domains, for example, we use one schema for the
security domain which contains the table OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS amongst others,
and another separate schema for the production universe and …

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thank you everyone especially Brent Douglas, Brian Patterson and Phillippe Deshayes for your quick response. I was all set once I realized it was part of my “Security” Domain which is located on the production box and not the Document Domain.

I was searching for the table using the SELECT * FROM BUSOBJS.OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS which is the right owner name, but searching the wrong instance. They are all owned by BUSOBJS, but my UAT universe and document repositories reside on a different development box and that is where I was searching for this security repository table.

I also found the list of domain tables right here under my nose on the Business Objects CD under Freeware\Repostry.htm.

Thanks Again to All Listers, you people are the best!

Gail McGuire
Sr. Applications Analyst
CVS Corporation
Pharmacy Data Warehouse
401-765-1500 x2236

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 15:14:41 -0500

From: “McGuire, Gail B.” GBMcGuire@CVS.COM

Can someone please tell me how to restore the OBJ_M_DOCUMENTS table?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)