I would like to know if it is possible (and what is the complexity) to migrate reports made with BO 5.1 thick client to WebI 6.1.b thin client ?
The inner structure of the database remains the same (same model and tables, etc…)
In particular, any advice on the following points :
migrate the repository
migrate universe and objects
migrate reports
any kind of re-use
I don’t really know WebI so i hope my question is clear enough.
Thank you for your help.
nothing to do (same infrastructure, but some restrictions apply, see comments below)
nothing to do (same infrastructure)
WebI uses the same infrastructure as Full Client (universes, security etc.).
Business Objects Full Client documents can be viewed and refreshed via WebI, but not edited or drilled. You need to create native WebI documents (in v6 *.wid files) if you want to be able to edit or drill within WebI.
There is no easy and quick way to convert Full Client documents to native WebI v6 documents (*.wid files). WebI v2.x documents use the file extension *.wqy, and offer only very limited functionality.
WebI v.6.1 documents can use local report variables/formulas, but not multiple data providers. WebI documents v.6.5 (general availability in the next couple of weeks/months) will offer “synchronzied” multiple data providers.
I kindly suggest getting your hands on some of the WebI manuals and/or attending a training class for WebI.