Merged cells when exporting to Excel from WEBI

We are currently running an upgrade to e61.b. I have come across an error in the ASP version, which makes cells in Excel Merge when you save a webi document to Excel.

Does anybody else know about this error? And does it exist in the JSP (Apache/Tomcat) version.

Tried to search the forum first - but did not find anything that applied to this. :confused:

Please help.


TEll (BOB member since 2003-05-01)

We are working with Webi/infoview JSP and I can confirm that the “ save as XLS” function isn’t perfect …



francoisbyvoet :belgium: (BOB member since 2004-06-01)

We to are experiencing problems when converting reports with summary lines into Excel format.
For the most part the report converts fine,… without the summary lines.

Have escalated this to BO and they said that there may be a fix in 6.5. We’re in 6.1b and trying to come up with a solution.
We tried saving as and html, not nice at all!

This issue has risen and we’re still trying to find a way using our BO 6.1b UNIX platform a VB macro is not feasible.

toscajo (BOB member since 2002-09-04)

Do your summary lines end up way off to the right on the Excel spreadsheet?

Erin Aasted :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

No Erin, they’re not off to the right, unfortunate, because that would be fine. At least the data will be there.

There is a blank line where the summary line used to be. Its not all the summary lines either which adds to the mystery. There are two summary lines in each grouping. The first one displays, the second one gets wiped clean.

Thanks for the response.

toscajo (BOB member since 2002-09-04)

Sorry it took me so long to respond. My watched topic emails are being identified as SPAM by the network filters and I don’t think some of them are making it to me.

Anyway, we’ve experienced this disappearing subtotal problem and we opened a case. It was identified as a bug (#1081263). The bad news is that I just checked it on the bug list and it says the status is “Fix not possible”. It says “Defect can not be fixed because of high risk of product stability and regressions.”

Isn’t that lovely?

Erin Aasted :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

What kind of garbage answer is that!!!

BO is starting to lose it. I’m finding the same type of supporting answers with our UNIX installation of the product. Not to mention the lack of UNIX support. If you develop an application for both Windows/UNIX then support both equally as well. There are just has too many issues.

toscajo (BOB member since 2002-09-04)

We had the same problem in some of the full client BO Reports, so we went the old way of creating a VB Macro (Convert to excel) and use it as a plugin.

The output of excel was better compared to if you save the FULL CLIENT report as excel.

DW_Resource (BOB member since 2005-09-08)