Measure won't sum

I have table with multiple data providers. In it there is a column that is calculated off of 3 data providers. The column calculates fine in the body of the table. When I try to add a summation of the column to the footer, the footer cell remains blank.

Any help is appreciated, I am under a great deal of pressure to get this finished.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

  1. How is the column calculated (formula)?
  2. Are the data providers “properly” linked?
  3. Did you try MultiCube?
  4. Which version of Business Objects are you using?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

  1. The basic formula is Measure1(DP1) + (Measure2(DP2)* Measure3(DP3)). Measures 1 & 2 are calculated from calculated from other measures and dimensions. All calculation objects are in the table but hidden.
  2. Yes, the linkage between DPs is correct.
  3. I have never been able to get Multicube to work. I tried it, but I am not sure I did it correctly. However, the calculation works in the body of the report.
  4. 6.1a

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Are your DPs at different levels of granularity?
If yes, you have to use Multicube(). Also, if it works in the body, you are lucky if you have different levels of granularity. You might also need to add context to the sum for the footer.

Scott Bowers :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-30)

They are the same level of detail.

The actual calculation is really more complex than I described. However, I broke it into its components and the part I described is the one that causes the rest to fail. All the rest bring back the expected value. This one is apparently null.

Also replacing Sum() with Min() or Max() does not return any value either.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Just for giggles:
Could you try the report on v6.1b?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

As a matter of fact, I am. We have a test server that has 6.1b on it and I am currently telenetting into it. So far no difference.

I am rebuilding the table from scratch, something I had wished to avoid. It is a very nasty table. So far, so good. I will report back.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I recreated the table one peice at a time, all object visible. It now works. I probably did something dumb.

I still would like to know why a calculation could work in the body, but the sum of it could not work in the footer.

Lee Drake :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)