I’d like to create a macro that adds a button to my menu bar, that when I click on it, it sends my query to broadcast agent, runs it at a high priority, does a refresh only, and adds my id to the distribution list. Does anybody have any similar code out there to do this? THANKS! -Holly
Do a search here on BOB, or look in BOB’s Downloads for sample code on building toolbars. As far as the code to send to BCA, this should be close:
Sub SendToBCA()
Dim BCA As DocAgentOption
Set BCA = ActiveDocument.DocAgentOption
BCA.Server = "YourBatchScheduler"
BCA.Refresh = True
BCA.Users(1) = Application.Variables("BOUSER").Value
BCA.Priority = boPriorityHigh
BCA.Title = ActiveDocument.Name & " - " & Now
BCA.ScheduleMode = boOnce
BCA.StartDate = Now
BCA.EndDate = Now + 1
End Sub
You will also need code to fill in any prompts ahead of time, because this approach will not prompt before sending.
How would I fill the prompt ahead of time? Set a document variable of the prompted variable? That didn’t seem to work and this technique does not prompt the user for prompt variables at the time of the Send method.
That’s probably the issue. Prompts are in the Doc.Variables collection, not the Doc.DocumentVariables collection. Check the syntax I suggested in this SDK forum post.
I have successfully created some BCA task on this way but remain trouble when using filewatcher. I would like to delete the filewatcher only if task is successfull. While the option is avaiable in interactive mode, I can’t find the way to code it. I have all tried this code with no results. Any idea ? But maybe is it again a new bug…
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = False
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = False
Result when editing task : Never delete fw
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = True
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = True
Result when editing task : delete at each task startup
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = True
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = False
Result when editing task : Never delete fw
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = False
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = True
Result when editing task : delete at each task startup
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = True
Result when editing task : delete at each task startup
BCA.FileWatcher.DeleteFileOnCompletion = False
Result when editing task : Never delete fw
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = True
Result when editing task : Never delete fw
BCA.FileWatcher.FileWatcherOnly = False
Result when editing task : Never delete fw