Lost Data in report

Morning all!
I have an existing BUSOBJ report (v 5.1), which I run every month. This report has sections (let’s say section A an B). When I refresh the report next month, it doesn’t bring data for one of the sections. So, I have to build the same report from scratch, then it works.
I’d appreciate if somebody could shed some light on why is it happening.


xta777 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

Did you check the raw data in the microcube?
Do you have any filters applied at the report level?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Also how is the report being refreshed?
using the icon on the toolbar or via the microcube?

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

I checked the raw data, it exists.
Don’t have filters in the report itself.

xta777 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

If you look in the data manager, have all the data providers retrieved data?

Do the data providers have any conditions which may be causing the problem?

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

I am able to see data for the ‘lost’ section in the data manager window. However it’s not visible in the report. No filters.

xta777 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-23)


Are you seeing section headings correctly but with no tables within them? Or are you not getting the headings correctly either?

Are your tables constructed using the objects from the data provider, or are you using variables defined in the reports? If so, is there anything in these that might be interfering?

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

I have two sections in the report. I am able to see sections with valid values but with no tables for the first section.
I am able to see headings correctly for both sections but tables for the second section only.
My tables constructed using objects from the data provider.

xta777 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

I’m not sure if this is the case, but go to View/Outline and put a tick there if there isn’t one already. Then check the gray margin down the left of the page and see if the little white triangles are pointing down.

If they’re pointing left, either click on them or try clicking on the little buttons with numbers in at the bottom of that margin.

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

Paul, thanks for the tip, but I checked that. The triangles are pointing down. Data is not there.

xta777 :us: (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

Ok, running out of ideas now…

Do the table properties have anything set up that hide them when certain conditions are met?

You can get to them by either using structure view or through the document map in the report manager.

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

Hmm - try slice and dice > reset >apply
maybe this will work?

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

I am betting that you do not have any filters on the table, but may have a Global filter. Check for that.

digpen :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Instead of looking in the slice and dice panel, try looking under Format, Filters and checking all the data providers and the global group.


jmmorton :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-05)