First at all, sorry for my english because I’m writing from Spain. Let me explain my problem. I would like to know if I could create a link in a document .rep to another .rep document. In that way, for example, when I click in the country column fo a table, I want that another different document was opened.

Thanks for all.


boa_spain (BOB member since 2004-05-12)

There are a number of ways you can do this:
One simple way is:

text to be displayed here

You can then expand on this, i.e place the link in a variable etc
or use if then else - statements so that depending on the value that’s clicked a different report will open etc.

You can also enter the pathnames of the relevent documents in the database,

Value displayed

For example, to display the PDF report based on the name object:

="<A HREF="+Char(34)+“path:\ “+()+Char(34)+”>”++ “”

Reporter Bloke :uk: (BOB member since 2004-05-20)

thanks for your useful and quick help. I´m going to try it.

See you. Regards

boa_spain (BOB member since 2004-05-12)