I have links in a column in my report that appear correctly when viewed in Full Client and WebI. I see the Item ID underlined in blue (violet after clicked).
="<!begin><A HREF="&Char(34)&"http://erbi.tdc.cingular.net/bi/CDC_Order_Visibility_Details_For_WebI.jsp?ItemId="&<ITEM_ID(count backordered qty by item)>&Char(34)&">"&<ITEM_ID(count backordered qty by item)>&"</A><end>"
When I save the report as Excel in Webi the links expand to the full HTML code in the column in Excel.
Is there a way to nudge Excel into displaying the link “normally” without breaking it in Full Client/WebI?
zing (BOB member since 2002-11-01)