large document size


I can’t give you an answer, but I have had similar problems with some
reports. I think that it is a Business Objects bug. I had sent one of my
reports to Business Objects and they couldn’t find anything. They suggested
I rewrite it. I did rewrite the report and it is fine now.

Marian Cooney
Malvern, PA

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Does somebody have a clue why a document containing only one report >
with one table with ca. 20 lines and a result set of 53 rows can have a
size of over 9 Megabytes? If stored it under another name but the
document size is the same. Purging all LOV;s didn;t help either.


You did mean purging all dataproviders didn’t you? So that in fact there
is a table and NO data displayed at all? If so, did you save the
document directly after purging the dataprovider? This procedure seemed
to help with me after I forgot a condition and got back to many lines:

  • View data
  • For each dataproviders purge
  • OK
  • Save the document
  • Run the query again so it contains only the rows you want.
  • Save again
    Hope it helps for you to, if not may be you have lots of dimension
    objects, formula’s and/or calculated variables.

Marianne Wagt
The Netherlands

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I noticed that when I work intensively at coding formulas and calculations
in a report, Reporter “keeps” all the different versions (i.e. different
tries and tests) of those, making the refresh and/or the execution of my
document painfully slow and the size of it quite large (> 1 Meg for 45 rows
of data!!).

When going to the Format menu and cleaning up the unwanted variables, saving
my document makes the size go back down to something normal (like several
hundreds Kbytes). And the execution or the refresh of it no longer takes
longer than a French escargot to climb one flight of stairs of the Eiffel
Tower in July.

My 0.02 cents,


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


I too agree with Marianne. If you purge each of your data providers
and then rerun the reports you get rid of a lot of data you did not
use in the final report format. This was a suggestion provided to me
by Business Objects.

It is a good idea to do this to all documents before you send them to
the DAS.

Let us know if this works for you.


Date sent: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:53:15 +0100

Does somebody have a clue why a document containing only one report with
one table with ca. 20 lines and a result set of 53 rows can have a size
of over 9 Megabytes? If stored it under another name but the document
size is the same. Purging all LOV;s didn;t help either.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

 Not to beat this to death, but...

 While true that purging data and deleting unneeded variables can help,
 there is a known problem in BusinessObjects whereby Data Providers
 that are deleted from a document do not release the space they once
 occupied.  I had a document that had 4 DP's, and was 360K fully
 purged.  I deleted 3 of the 4 DP's, and the document size remained
 essentially the same.  I then recreated the document from scratch with
 only one DP (using a template from the original), and the size shrunk
 to 170K.

 BO tech support confirmed knowledge of this behavior, but did not
 indicate that anything was being done to correct it.  Does anyone know

 Jason Beard


Does somebody have a clue why a document containing only one report with one
table with ca. 20 lines and a result set of 53 rows can have a size of over 9
Megabytes? If stored it under another name but the document size is the same.
Purging all LOV;s didn;t help either.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

     While true that purging data and deleting unneeded variables can help,
     there is a known problem in BusinessObjects whereby Data Providers
     that are deleted from a document do not release the space they once

That’s not all!  Dimensions from deleted data providers can also hang around for eternity.  They can be seen in the Variables window.  When they do, there is no way to get rid of them short of rebuilding the document.

Steven Jones >
Consultant to BT Office Products International

X-Priority: 3

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 18:12:03 +0100

Thanks for the big response.
In fact I did go for recreating the document, basing it on a template
(good suggestion Steven, that worked indeed!). The only problem I have
with such a problem is that it can happen again every moment (like
friday afternoon at five). It would be nice to have a “cleaning” tool
for BO documents. I heard about DFVIEW.EXE but where not able to find
it. Anyone?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Steven [SMTP:SJones@BTOPI.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 16:07

The best method I know of for shrinking the file is to save the
report(s) as a template, then start with a new document, recreate the
query and apply the template.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Sorry to disappoint you, Marianna and Shannon, but the DP had nothing to
do with it really. Purging the DP and saving the document resulted in
the same document size. I did mean to purge the LOV Btw in my first
posting. I think that these can contain whatever was retreived from the
database some time and could contain slack data.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

“Jones, Steven” wrote:

That’s not all! Dimensions from deleted data providers can also hang around
for eternity. They can be seen in the Variables window. When they do,
there is no way to get rid of them short of rebuilding the document.

Which version are you running? In my version (V4.1.3) they ARE automatically
deleted if I delete the dataprovider!
The only thing I can’t get rid of is formulas which depend on deleted objects
(e.g. NameOf(somethings), which are automatically generated for the column

Hope this helps

DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria
Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21
e-mail:, WEB:

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

…blush…, you’re quit right ther Walter. LOV’s don’t contribute to
document size.


Sorry to disappoint you Hans, but to my knowledge LOVs are never
stored in the
document but on local files in your directories. So they cannot
contribute to
document size…

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

That’s not all! Dimensions from deleted data providers can also hang
for eternity. They can be seen in the Variables window. When they
there is no way to get rid of them short of rebuilding the document.

Which version are you running? In my version (V4.1.3) they ARE
deleted if I delete the dataprovider!


    Just for your (and other listeners) information:

    We're on 4.1 earliest version and there it sometimes (I guess

sort of once out of twenty times, I didn’t keep the statistics) happens
that you delete the dataprovider but the dimension variables stay (not
the measures however). I just saw it happen to a document this morning
and re-played every step of the way in different orders. But of two
DP’s to be deleted one of them did retain the dimension objects in it,
no matter what. The DP itself was gone (when you look at view by
dataprovider its not there).

    Must be something to do with linking, but I don't know what

triggers it. We’ll be moving to 4.1.4 on the short term and I hope this
is just one of the bugs they corrected.

    Marianne Wagt
    The Netherlands

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)