Neil Bowman@CONTEXT
03/08/99 12:02 PM
Lynn wrote:
I have a strange thing happening with a few of my users. When they
running Business Objects, it all of a sudden closes with no warning.
have witnessed this myself, so I know they are not crazy! When it
this morning, the user wasn’t even running a query. Has anyone
this or have any ideas what may be happening? We are running version
as a shared installation from an NT server. Middleware is CAE 5.2 and
Net 2.3
I have seen this exact problem before. Our problem was attributed to the
Lotus Notes debug thread (Quincy). We de-installed
Quincy (MSDOS command => qnc -u) and the problem went away.
Neil Bowman
Context Integration
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)