Joins Missing

Why do sometimes the joins between tables are missing? I had a join
between two tables , I saved my universe and when i opened it again
the join doesn’t exist and it doesn’t exist in the context also. please
help meout

koushik7777 (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

Which version of Business Objects are you using :?:

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)


koushik7777 (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

I’ve noticed the same… Both 6.1a and 6.1b have this problem. It’s BO bug# 1087245. I’ve noticed that this appears mostly when you have “View List Mode” enabled. Especially be careful when you have joins “selected”.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

So the solution is, we have to recreate the join and include the join in the context in which it already existed is it?

koushik7777 (BOB member since 2004-07-05)

Just don’t use the “List View Mode” much. And when you’re going to declare joins to their contexts, be sure to not have selected any joins in your datamodel. And I always check before exporting my universe if there are as many (or more or less when I’ve added or removed joins) join as when I imported it.

And your dissapeared joins should just be remade end re-allocated to your contexts. Of course.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

Thank you

koushik7777 (BOB member since 2004-07-05)


Also, be very careful when you open the universe and make sure you do not save it untill you check if the joins are there. Mostly you would find that the same joins dissappear all the time…so you just have to make sure those joins are not missing. Even if you save it, you always have the option to import a new copy from the repository.
Jobjoris is absolutely right about the List Mode. It happens only when you open the list mode; try to avoid that as much as you can.

This pb has given me so much hastle; my universes are very big (40 tables) and everytime a join disappears, it causes 20-25 loops and then you go into inserting appropriate context.

CHeck the BO website if this bug persists in 6.1b…if not, your best shot would be to get rid of 6.1a.


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)

Its a bug with 6.1x. When you open the List mode and highlight any join(s) and then select the context which contains that join(s) then the join(s) will be deleted. So when the list mode is opened to check the joins in the context we should be carefull that none of the joins are highlighted when the corresponding context is selected.


dbkar :india: (BOB member since 2003-11-10)

I’ve received a hotfix for it from BO last week. First testing seems to get good results.

It’s patch: patch_bobj_61a_HF_168

It’s only for 6.1a though…

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)


Some “in-deep” testing resulted in noticing an improvement, not a definitive solution.

The joins still dissappear when having some joins in your Model-pane selected and clicking on the arrows between the Tables, joins and Contexts pane in your list-view mode.

But if I recall it correct the dissappearing joins without the patch happened when you for example just selected a context in your list-view mode while having some joins selected so there’s some improvement…

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

According to the “readme” this is identified as bug 1088013 and is fixed in 6.1.3. I did some preliminary testing today and it seems to be working.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)