We had a change in a database (adding and removing fields). I went into the universe and Refreshed the Structure. The tables where joined by a field DOC-NO (this field was removed) and now are joined by SRRCN (a new field). I manually removed the old joins and put in the new ones. Then I exported the universe. I got a call about a week later that there was a problem with this group. WEBBI and Bus Obj was acting as if these two tables where not joined. When I did an integrity check I got some errors on the universe. I corrected all of them, but the joins are still not recognized. When the universe was clear on the integrity check I removed and readded the joins again and they still don’t work.
BACKGROUND: Webbi 2.0; Bus Obj 4.1 Database sybase 11
Any ideas are welcome - this is a production environment and I need to fix it asap!
Ruth A. Howard
Computer Specialist
Code 0551, Bldg. 3173
Phone: 812-854-3185
Fax: 812-854-3817
DSN: 482-3185
What I mean is that if your joins are not added to contexts, they will never be recognized. If the joins do not belong to a specific path, they must be included in ALL contexts. I guess that was the case before.
You are a blessing - I put it in a context and it worked great. Thanks for all the help
What I mean is that if your joins are not added to contexts, they will never
be recognized. If the joins do not belong to a specific path, they must be included in ALL contexts. I guess that was the case before.
Hope it clarifies a bit.
I do have contexts in my universe but this group never belonged to the context in its original form so it was not added to a context in this form.
Do you have Contexts ?
If it is the case, did you add the new joins in the contexts ? If a join does not belong to a context, it will never be recognized.